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Why Will Power Wont Cut it


Why Will Power Wont Cut it

Why Will Power Wont Cut it

By MONICA radu, march 12, 2019


As women we often have a difficult relationship with food. From a very young age we are subjected to well intended comments about what we eat such as "A minute on the lips, forever on the hips" OR "Too much of that will make you fat". We are then programmed to categorize foods as good, or bad. We are being "good" of we don't eat the bad foods, and we are being "bad" if we eat the bad foods. Oh, have you ever heard the term "cheat meal" - ya, thats another label we hate. We then, without consent, enter the vicious cycle of deprive, shame, guilt and even binge. Sound familiar? Even just a bit? 

Coach Monica shares why this doesn't work and what you can do to break free.

The Restriction Pattern

When it comes to wanting to be healthier or lose weight, one of the first things that many of us are quick to do is start listing all of the foods or even entire food groups that we vow to stop eating…

“No more carbs, no more fats, no more sugar, no more bread, no more pizza…” I can go on for a while here but you get the idea.

Restriction like this almost always inevitably leads to a binge. We get tired, hungry, and frustrated and give in to what we have allowed to control us. This is usually followed up with guilt and shame and then we start this cycle all over again, determined to be stronger this time. 

Before I get into what I believe to be a better method of getting healthier and feeling better, I just want to touch on why it is so hard to stick to these restrictive guidelines and how it isn’t your fault or lack of control or will power.

Why Will Power Won’t Cut It?

Food becomes more desirable when we label it as bad – it’s the classic story of the forbidden fruit. Knowing we can’t have something usually leaves us obsessing over it or at least thinking about it WAY too much. Have you ever said you wouldn’t eat something and then never thought about it after that?

Our brains light up when we are around the restricted foods. We experience higher pleasure/reward from it and have much more intense cravings for the foods than those who are not following any restrictions or diets.

In addition to that, when we try to avoid one thing, we often will end up compensating by trying to settle that craving with something else – we end up overeating other things and we still didn’t even get what it was we wanted in the first place so we are left unsatisfied and frustrated!

So What Can We Try Instead?

Stop labelling food as good or bad. The minute we start labelling food as “bad” it becomes that forbidden fruit that we are depriving ourselves of and we know that never ends well.

“But if I allow myself to eat whatever I want, I’ll never stop!”

I get that, believe me! I have said those words myself! BUT if we allow ourselves to eat what we crave without always jumping on the guilt and restriction train, we will slowly start to relearn how to enjoy it without feeling out of control around it. When we allow ourselves to eat what we crave, the food becomes normalized and we lose that desire to overindulge. We won’t have the same urges to completely overdo it because we know if we want it again later, we can have it!

It is like getting a new car and being told you can only drive it once a month. You are going to think about it and look forward to driving it all day long and it will feel amazing and so exciting every time you do. But what if you got to drive that same car every single day? Would it still be as exciting and rewarding after a few months or a year?

Give yourself full permission to eat and ditch the side of guilt. You may be surprised to find that you don’t crave things with the same intensity and if you do, you can enjoy the food and stop eating when you feel you have had enough because you know it isn’t going anywhere!

Focus on adding foods to your plate rather than taking things away. This takes the focus off cutting things out and encourages you to add foods that will nourish your body while still eating in a way that is enjoyable and brings you pleasure (because YES, food is something to be enjoyed).

This process may not happen overnight and it will be hard to shake the mentality that is very deep rooted for many of us but strive to catch yourself when you are starting to feel that guilt, be patient and understanding with yourself, and TRUST the process!

You have tried reaching your goals with strict discipline and from a place of hate for your body and that hasn’t worked so it is time to try a new approach which stems from love and understanding for yourself, and working to rebuild a healthy relationship with food.

With so much love, 



 As Club Assistant General Manager, Group Coach, Personal Trainer AND a former gymnast and handstand queen, she loves to move and is always looking for the next fun new challenge to try!

She first discovered her passion for health and fitness after a major turning point in her life when she was diagnosed with cancer as a young adult. Prior to that she had struggled with losing weight, trying diet after diet, but it wasn't until her outlook on health changed that she saw so many positive changes in her life. After a full recovery she became dedicated to living the healthiest and most enjoyable life she could, and now has a vision to help other women do the same.   


  • CanFitPro Certified Personal Training Specialist

  • DTS Fundamentals, Level 1

  • Diploma in Health & Fitness Promotion from Humber College 

Fitnesss Failed me

Fitnesss Failed me

When fitness had failed me!


My “fitness” journey started 20 years ago when, like many of you, I joined a gym, because that seemed to be what the masses were doing.  

I was getting in some cardio on the elliptical when a male trainer approached me. He asked how it was going and commented that I would look amazing if I lost a few pounds and gained some muscle. WTF, right? I will never forget that day because that was the day that changed my life, and changed me. 

 With that small but mighty comment, so began a 20 year battle with fitness, food and my body. Who would have thought one little statement could hold so much power?  Not me.

In an industry so filled with beautiful possibilities it makes me sad to see how toxicity slips so easily into the culture. Whether it’s subtle like my experience or as extreme as an advertisement promising you an unbelievable 8 week transformation, it’s all equally damaging. If any of this resonates with you or brings up some big feelings, it’s ok.  Speaking from my experience and from my heart, there IS a better way to achieve a sustainable and healthy version of you while building an amazing, positive relationship with fitness, food and your body. 

I was perfectly, pleasantly……average

I would never have described my body as “skinny” or “big”.  I honestly just felt “average” and I was really okay with that.  Like every one of you, I sometimes would look in the mirror and think “my hips are big” or “my body looks funny”, but to be honest, it was always just a fleeting moment, the thoughts came in, and then left pretty quickly.

I hired that trainer

I ended up hiring that trainer, you know, the one who criticized my appearance by preying on female insecurities, great sales tactic, by the way. 

We worked out 3x a week with weights and I very quickly saw my body change. I was really enjoying weight training and my time in the gym.   The added bonus was that I was all of a sudden getting a lot of attention on my external appearance. My body had NEVER been praised like this, it was addictive and like any other addiction, I wanted more….I thought I needed more.

Both men and women, from people I knew to perfect strangers, all were pumping me up and It quickly became my driving force for exercise and ultimately fuelling my addiction.  

The muscle definition. The body.




Was it actually possible that I was starting to look like those girls on the cover of fitness magazines? The fitness industry was feeding every single one of my insecurities, and it tasted so good. 

I was making the cut

I never actually noticed that with all of my hard work I was getting strongerNo one, including my trainer, seemed to take notice how strong I had become, or the fact that I could do a pull up, a freaking pull up!!  It was seemingly insignificant to the fact that my back looked so muscly, while doing those pull ups. No one commented on how strong my core was when doing those squats, rather, that coveted 6-pack seemed way more important. The world of fitness became, for me, all about what showed up on the exterior and nothing more. Sound familiar?

I started weighing myself daily for validation. I was addicted to the feedback I was getting from that square piece of metal on my bathroom floor.  It had so much power and would ultimately determine my mood for the day and week ahead and gave me the feedback of whether I was successful or not. What it didn’t tell me was how good I felt in my clothes or how much newly found energy I had and how absolutely great movement made me feel.  I had become so strong and none of that mattered and if that isn’t toxic and unhealthy, I don't know what is. 

A tiny little voice 

It wasn't long before another male trainer approached me and recommended I enter a fitness competition, “You'd do well” he said.  Not sure how he could have made that assessment from simply looking at me but I guess that only further demonstrates how unhealthy this supposed “healthy” world actually was.

I will admit, there was a tiny little voice in the back of my mind that nudged me and said “I’m not sure about this”, but perhaps because I was getting so much attention, or because I didn't have the confidence or “self-love” or real strength, I said ok, let’s do it.

 I said yes. 

I was immediately given a diet plan, which was written out on a piece of paper right in front of me (that should have been my waring signal).   It was a standard, bodybuilding cookie cutter template consisting of egg whites, chicken, broccoli, sweet potatoes, brown rice, protein powder, white fish and occasionally some nuts. 

 Macros and calories would vary from week to week, but not much changed. I was told to weigh and measure all my foods and was given a strict guide for my caloric intake. If I stepped even an inch outside of this plan, I was “cheating”and was made to feel like I failed. I was handcuffed to 1200 calories a day with the super added bonus of one day where I would be permitted a few “extra carbs” – wow, thanks.  That piece of paper was running my life, my mood, my decisions and how I felt about myself.  It had me obsessing about food, secretly binging and purging on cookies or cake and then feeling so much guilt and shame. I would often write my trainer in distress about falling off the plan and was instructed to add an extra cardio session to make up for it, even if it meant a third workout for the day.  I officially had an eating disorder and hated fitness. 

My exercise program was written out for me each month. It included 6 days in the gym, 2 workouts a day. 1 hour of cardio in the morning on an empty stomach and weights in the evening focused on different muscle groups. I was allowed 1 rest day. ( PS - have you ever heard the expression - less is more? I'll talk about this in another article)


I was given 12 weeks to prepare for this competition which included weekly check - ins and weigh ins. I continued with my trainer 3x a week and was often asked if I was being good on my diet and if I was doing all my cardio.  

Sometimes I would tell the truth, often I would lie. The truth is,  I was burnt out and hurt all over. I hated every minute of my workouts. My midsection was often checked to ensure I was on point for that six pack. That fear was quite often enough to keep me strict as well the reality that my body was soon going to be judged on stage, in a bikini, against 30 other women. As if wearing a bikini to the beach isn't hard enough! My body image was destroyed, just like that. I didn’t even know what I was dealing with was considered “disordered”.

 I was so tired. 

I was exhausted. I was overtraining and starving most of the time. I developed horrible insomnia. My period stopped, but damn I “looked so good” so all of that was ok. I would complain to the trainers at the gym how tired I was and that I wasn't sleeping yet they kept encouraging me along, saying I was almost there and looking good. 


Competition day. 

Competition day arrived, I was 14 percent body fat, and 119 lbs. I was spray tanned, had my pink bejeweled bikini and those gawd awful clear glass heals you had to wear. My face looked awful, so depleted and so tired. None of that mattered because all the stage lighting and make up and curls would cover all of that up.   I was the perfect picture of beauty and strength that inspired other women. 

I was so nervous. 

I will never forget that day. I was so nervous. I vividly remember sizing up my competition and all I could think was “I don't measure up”, “they have more muscle than me”, “she's prettier than me”.  They were with their coaches practicing their stage walk and poses. Part of me felt disgusted and like I really didn’t belong there….but I had come so far…… 

 Who had the best ass?

 In preparation for this fitness “competition” I was told that a six pack was great, but the defining moment I really needed to be focused on was that moment you turn around and show the judges your ass. Here I was, 12 weeks of KILLING myself all came down to whether a panel of judges thought my “ass” was the best……

I placed 3rd among a lineup of 20 women. I was devastated but was eager for the feedback from the judges. They told me I needed to gain more muscle and lean out even more. I felt like such a failure I immediately became tempted to head down the road of steroids that I knew many were involved with. Thank god I somehow knew better....

Enter the addiction

I went on to repeat this cycle for 6 more years. In that time I competed in 6 more competitions, never walking away with a win. I appeared in fitness magazines and through all of this, continued to destroy my body, my mind and ultimately my relationship with fitness. My weight rebounded by nearly 20 lbs after each show and my self-hate grew stronger and stronger each time. I was full on in the binge/purge cycle and used exercise as my punishment. 

Where were “my” people?

During this entire time, in my fitness community, I didn’t have one single source of positive influence to help me see how destructive and damaging this was.  I was feeding a billion dollar industry exactly what they needed.   There weren't any of the fiercely dedicated body positive advocates I surround myself with today who would have kicked my ass and helped me see how toxic these habits and behaviors were.   I did, however, have one very special soul who was part of my personal life and provided that one constant voice, which for a long time I fought to listen to.  My incredible husband literally helped me turn this ship of insanity around.   He cared so deeply about my wellbeing and was relentlessly committed to helping me regain control. He's literally my world and was the reason I was able to find the strength and courage to rebuild myself. 

Not all bad. 

Despite the years of struggle and despair, I can’t say it was all bad. After all, it launched me into a career I’m so passionate about that is part of my DNA and always will be.   Although my intentions in the beginning were driven by the wrong reasons, it catapulted me into a never-ending pursuit of growth, learning and using the damage and heartache to fuel my passion and help others from making those same mistakes.   For a long time, I felt ashamed and embarrassed of my career in fitness and calling myself a “fitness professional”.  But today I only feel gratitude for the unconventional, less than ideal journey I took to get where I am because it made me so much smarter, and humble and gave me the focus I needed to create the space we have at MOVE.

 Any of this sound familiar? Aren’t you sick and tired of a woman's worth being judged by her physical appearance? Be it your own judgment or others?  It’s 2019. Enough of this ladies! 

My Team and I are here to actively and passionately be a part of the change and create a movement of warriors dedicated to changing the internal question from “how do I look” to “how do I feel?” In our opinion, far more important than how a woman's ass looks in an Instagram post, no? 

With Love, 

Kelly xo


MORE ON COACH and founder kelly!

Kelly Taphouse is a certified trainer with over 15 years experience in the fitness industry. After trying to achieve unsustainable levels of fitness as a competitive fitness model, Kelly became discouraged with an industry that is so often focused on outward appearances. After having a child, she rediscovered her passion for being fit and healthy. Kelly’s mission is to make women feel strong by helping them achieve their own fitness goals, from the inside out.


  • CanFitPro Certified Personal Training Specialist

  • DTS Fundamentals, Level 1

  • Certified Agatsu Kettle Bell Coach

  • Certified Movement and Mobility Specialist - MWOD

  • Agatsu Mobility Specialist

  • Pre/Post Natal Fitness

  • Poliquin Level 1

  • TRX Suspension Training

  • Certified Neuro-Linguistic Coach

  • Certified Animal Flow Instructor

Food Mindset

Food Mindset



Food Mindset: Live to Eat or Eat to Live?

By Monica Radu

It is no secret that our relationship with food is complex, confusing, and in many cases just outright frustrating. We are constantly being bombarded with mixed messages about it, whether it’s the newest trend of what to eat/what not to eat, another diet/cleanse/pill, or “tips and tricks” to curb hunger. So much exposure to all of this has left us struggling to find a healthy relationship with food and has taken away our ability to trust the natural cues that our bodies give us.

So how do we work to change this and get back to a more intuitive style of eating which will make us feel our best? 

It first starts with taking a closer look at your relationship with food. Do you live to eat or eat to live? Before picking one option, consider that these are two opposite ends on a spectrum. We all eat to live to a certain extent – of course we consume food in order to function and carry on through our day to day lives but the more extreme side of this is the idea that food is nothing but fuel and nourishment. There is no room for pleasure and satisfaction here.  

On the other end of the spectrum is living to eat. This is a mindset where food is a central focus in your life. Every day activities revolve around your eating whether that means you are constantly thinking about your next meal or relying heavily on food for comfort and pleasure.  

I can say from experience that neither one of these extremes are ideal. 

I have taken on the mindset that food is to be eaten purely for its nutritional value. I repeated this mantra over and over again in an attempt to establish control over my body and behaviors. All this did was lead me to become obsessive, rigid, and unsatisfied. It filled me with shame and guilt whenever I would deviate from this strict clean diet that I believed was best for me. 

The reality is that food is NOT just fuel. We are not just cars that need gas, we are human beings with far more complex needs and emotions. 

It is a source of pleasure and comfort and there is nothing wrong with that. Food is a big part of so many cultures and it is something that brings people together. There should be no shame in enjoying it! There is a difference between enjoying food and being overly reliant on it to bring you comfort/pleasure. This brings us back to the importance of finding balance on this spectrum. When we are in the state of using food as a coping mechanism, it is a signal that we are missing something else.

 The problem is that we have lost trust in our body’s ability to guide us on how to eat because we have spent so much time trying to fight against it. We have become afraid to allow ourselves to enjoy food because we spend so much time restricting that when we allow ourselves freedom, we are doing it from a place of deprivation and restriction so of course we are far more likely to overindulge. Once we overindulge, we end up back on the guilt train which then sends us straight back to the “I need to diet” mindset and then it all starts again. See a pattern? 

Many of you are probably thinking exactly what I thought when I first heard this. “If I let myself eat whatever I want, I’ll eat everything!” 

The reality is that if you have been restricting and dieting for a long time, there will be times where you lose control on the road to reconnecting with your body’s needs. For so long you have been telling your body that it can’t eat that, but has to eat this and we all know what happens when you say you can’t have something… you want it more! 

It will take some unlearning and a lot of trust in the process so the best thing you can do is be patient with yourself. 

It takes a lot of conscious effort to stop listening to that voice in your head that says you need to exercise to make up for that meal or eat less to compensate for eating too much. Part of finding that balance is allowing your body to go through that rebound phase after restricting and trusting that you will soon settle into a more balanced place where you can make food choices without fear and from a place where you know you will be nourished and also satisfied. 

Food is such a big part of our lives and it should be enjoyed and bring you some satisfaction. It should also be a way to fuel your body to allow it to perform at its best. Enjoying the food you eat and eating nourishing foods are not mutually exclusive. The sooner we align with this idea, the sooner we can make peace with food and ourselves.


 As Club Assistant General Manager, Group Coach, Personal Trainer AND a former gymnast and handstand queen, she loves to move and is always looking for the next fun new challenge to try!

She first discovered her passion for health and fitness after a major turning point in her life when she was diagnosed with cancer as a young adult. Prior to that she had struggled with losing weight, trying diet after diet, but it wasn't until her outlook on health changed that she saw so many positive changes in her life. After a full recovery she became dedicated to living the healthiest and most enjoyable life she could, and now has a vision to help other women do the same.   


  • CanFitPro Certified Personal Training Specialist

  • DTS Fundamentals, Level 1

  • Diploma in Health & Fitness Promotion from Humber College 

Mindful Eating

Mindful Eating

I always focused on the “what” and never the “how”

One of my biggest habits that I have been working on doing far less is eating while watching TV.

For years I developed this routine and came to realized that this was my way of seeking the ultimate temporary numbness and soothing comfort and hey, it worked very well in that way but came at a price.

For that brief period of time, I was blissfully unaware and immersed in all of the stimuli from the TV and the food (hello dopamine)… Until I finished what I was eating and never felt satisfied or like I even experienced it at all.

Every night I’d find myself going back to the kitchen with that unsatisfied feeling, and not being aware of the cycle I was in, I’d literally keep repeating the same thing. Fast forward to the next day I’d beat myself up for it and feel like there was something wrong with me. Sounds familiar?

Why did I never feel satisfied? Why was I struggling with overeating and what seemed like a lack of discipline? Why did I always feel like I had to go back for more?  

These feelings & patterns became a reoccurring part of my life and there were very few occasions where I wasn’t distracted while eating in one way or another, whether it was TV, my phone, doing work at the same time, or any of the other million things that can be going on day to day.

I began to feel more out of control around food, more unaware of what I was actually eating day to day, and regularly felt discomfort after meals (+ issues with my digestion).

 So what did I do? I made a difference choice one day

I sat down at the table, put away distractions, and truly experienced the food on my plate. I noticed if I was eating really fast and practiced small things like putting my fork down between bites, properly chewing my food… I noticed different tastes & textures, and I noticed when I actually started to feel full.

I had always dismissed the importance of all of this in the past. I wanted to believe that if I just focused on what I ate and had good discipline and willpower then the rest didn’t matter, but boy was I wrong. I was ignoring all of the signs that were screaming at me saying otherwise and I soon realized how I’d missed a major piece of the puzzle.

 After practicing this a few times, I noticed…

1.     I either felt satisfied and didn’t want to eat any more after that OR I noticed I was truly still hungry and had no problem going to eat something more in the same manner

2.     It took me a good chunk of time to finish the meal (10-15 minutes vs. 5 minutes) which allowed me to gauge my fullness and eat an amount that left me feeling good afterwards

3.     I actually experienced less bloating and discomfort than I previously would sometimes feel in the few hours after eating

So without changing at all the food I was eating, the difference was pretty mind-blowing!

Not only was I feeling better after a meal in terms of satiation and enjoying the food, but there are also so many benefits for our health, nutrition, & digestion by putting this into practice.

 1. We Make Better Food Choices

When we are more mindful and self-aware, we are far more likely to make better food choices, eat when we’re hungry, stop when we’ve had enough, and build a healthier relationship with food in general.

2. We Chew More/Better & Encourage Proper Digestion

Chewing your food properly is SO important and likely something that is neglected when we are rushing or distracted.

Think about how much harder the rest of your digestive system has to work if you don’t chew properly to start that mechanical breakdown (which leads to a less complete chemical breakdown in the body)?

When we start our digestion of food/nutrients in a poor manner, we can expect that this will create problems downstream and place a heavy burden on our digestive system. We may struggle with absorbing nutrients properly (due to the improper breakdown of foods), experience discomfort, upset stomach, fatigue & other mental symptoms, poor gut health, and so much more (I can’t emphasis enough how important it is to support our digestive system).

Let’s Get Realistic – What Can You Do?

With all of that said, does this mean I’m going to do that at every single meal? Probably not, BUT just having brought awareness to that made a BIG difference as a start.

Now on those occasions where I know I am more distracted while eating (because yes, that is going to happen and we don’t need to go to the extreme of trying to eliminate that 100% of the time). I can at least make a conscious effort to slow down and be present as much as I can rather than completely check out for those few minutes. This doesn’t have to be an all or nothing behaviour.

I am a strong believer that it is what you do MOST of the time that matters and that is the approach I take with this.

When we have kids to care for, jobs to manage, and a long list of daily “to do’s” it can feel hard to take that time for ourselves.

Start small. Make it 1 meal per day or a few per week where you try this. You may find it easier to build it into a more regular habit and we owe it to ourselves to have that time where WE are a priority.

Self Check-In

More often than not, do you…

-       Eat on the go, while doing work, or distracted in any way

-       Grab food out of the fridge or cupboards and eat standing up (usually eating right from a package)

-       Eat really fast 

-       Eat when you aren’t really hungry and feel poorly about the decision later

-       Experience discomfort after meals (gas, bloating, irregular bowel movements, etc.) 

Top Tips:

- have an open mind. If this is very new for you (as it was for me) then this may feel very strange at first but it’s a very worthwhile exercise to practice

- sit down to eat

- put away electronics & distractions

- chew each bite 20-30 times (I know this feels hard at first but just give it a chance)

- focus on the taste, textures, and how you are feeling as you eat

- put your fork down between bites (I am an offender of already preparing the next bite on my fork before I even have a chance to swallow what’s in my mouth so this one really helped me!)

- notice how you feel afterwards

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What is acupuncture?

What is acupuncture?

Written by Dr. C. Jardine, ND

Acupuncture is a therapeutic treatment that involves the placement of hair-thin needles into the skin. These needles are placed in strategic points selected by your ND after a thoughtful and thorough intake. Acupuncture works with the body’s natural processes to activate and support it’s innate healing capabilities.


Acupuncture points stimulate the central nervous system to release naturally created biochemicals into the muscles, spinal cord and brain. As a result, these biochemicals activate the body’s natural healing ability, promoting physical and emotional wellness.


Acupuncture treatments can help alleviate pain and address acute and chronic physiological, emotional, and psychological conditions. Individuals who are experiencing any of the former conditions may benefit from an acupuncture treatment by restoring balance in both the body and the mind.

Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years….

Acupuncture is one of the oldest, most commonly used systems of healing. The earliest documentation of the treatment is “The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Medicine.”, an ancient treatise on health written by the famous Chinese Emperor Huangdi around 2600 BC.


Researchers have found that acupuncture can be effective on its own of when combined with convention therapies to treat several conditions such as:

  • Anxiety

  • Asthma

  • Amenorrhea

  • Menstrual Cramps, Pre-Menstrual Symptoms, PCOS

  • Fertility

  • Joint Pain (Shoulder, Knee, Wrist, Ankle)

  • Insomnia

  • Headaches, Migraines

and more!

Dr. Jardine is a warm, compassionate and empathetic Naturopathic Doctor with a passion for helping people towards the wellness of their desires. His approach is empowering and thoughtful and helps address the route cause of your concerns. He cannot wait to care for you.

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Benefits of Massage Therapy for Injury and Recovery

Benefits of Massage Therapy for Injury and Recovery

 By Chanelle Gardner, Registered Massage Therapist

Edited by Bethany Spiers, B. Kin, R. Kin, Clinical Director

Chanelle is a Registered Massage Therapist in Leslieville, Toronto. Her experience in sports, athletics, personal training, Fascial Stretch Therapy and chronic injury provide her a comprehensive understanding of the human body and its many functions. Chanelle is passionate about helping patients with a variety of concerns, specifically sports related and non-sports related injuries.

Are you looking to enhance your recovery, performance, and work through recent or long-term injuries?

Here are four ways that massage therapy can help make you a better athlete:

1. Massage can help with muscle soreness and fatigue.

Massage therapy helps promote circulation and capillarization of the muscle. Capillarization is development of capillaries throughout the body. This is important as our capillaries carry essential nutrients to our skeletal muscle that aid in repair and regeneration of the tissues. Additionally, capilization allows more oxygenation of the muscle, thereby allowing the muscle to repair tissues that may have been damaged during the sport or exercise. With the help of massage and increased circulation, the muscles can repair faster and thereby yield a decrease in muscle pain, fatigue, and soreness.

2. Massage can help reduce the risk of injury, reinjury, and improve mobility.

Overtime, our skeletal muscle can accumulate scar tissue and adhesions. This often occurs due to overuse injuries, previous injury, or previous traumas and can cause restrictions in the muscle and surrounding tissues. This hinders the muscle and joint’s ability to move freely, thereby increasing the chances of compensations and potential injuries. Deep massage techniques can aid in the mobilization of scar tissue and adhesions within the muscles. This helps decrease risk of injury and reinjury by improving the range of motion of the body which allows the joints to move correctly through their full degrees of freedom.

3. Massage can aid in increasing tissue elasticity.

Muscles can become hard, inelastic and more rigid due to intense training and can cause the muscles to become inefficient. This inelasticity can create muscle imbalances which is often accompanied by specific muscles being stronger and/or more developed than others. Muscles that are overdeveloped in comparison to others can be described as “hypertonic” which means “having too much tone”. Massage therapy can help address both hypertonic muscle as well as muscular imbalances by manually releasing, stimulating, and addressing these concerns.

4. Massage Therapists will prescribe specific stretches and mobilizations for your unique concerns.

Chanelle will send you home with a comprehensive at home treatment plan that specifically addresses your unique concerns. Prior to your massage, Chanelle will conduct a thorough assessment of your concerns which includes both manual muscle testing and orthopaedic assessment. This assessment provides her a framework for understanding your concerns, injuries, and goals for the treatment. Following the treatment, Chanelle will discuss specific stretches, exercises, and mobility drills that you can complete at home to aid in your full recovery.

These are just a few ways that massage therapy can help you become a more efficient, injury-free athlete. Come see us in our stylish, cozy and comfortable clinic. Our clinic is located within a full functional gym, which provides space to work on exercises and mobilizations that will aid in your care.

“My name is Chanelle and I am a Registered Massage Therapist and Fascial Stretch Therapist practicing in Leslieville, Toronto. I grew up playing numerous sports, and recently competed in powerlifting. I have been personal training for years and wanted to go deeper into the world of wellness and recovery, which is why I chose to pursue Registered Massage Therapy.

I provide hands-on evidence based care that is research informed and results driven. I look forward to helping you toward the wellness you aspire for.”

- Chanelle Gardner, RMT, FST

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4 Tips for starting therapy and finding a therapist.

4 Tips for starting therapy and finding a therapist.

 By Melice Mitchell, CYW, RSW, MSW

Edited by Bethany Spiers, B. Kin, R. Kin, Clinical Director

Therapy makes life better. “Then why I am struggling with the thought of going to therapy?”

You’ve been contemplating going to therapy for months. You want to improve stressful situations in your life. You want to feel better, while your usual solutions are becoming less and less effective. You’ve been taking care of yourself, but now you feel you need more support. You want a change, but you aren’t sure where to begin.

If you have been thinking about therapy as a tool, here are some behind-the-scene tips to start your therapy journey.

1. First, it is completely okay to not feel ready to begin therapy.

That’s because therapy is a new experience! As popular as mental wellness has become, seeking help from a therapist is a relatively foreign concept. Trying new things can create fear of the unknown, and it’s normal to not feel ready for a new experience. Do you remember the first time you rode a bike without training wheels? It is likely that moments before your teacher let you go you were consumed by fear. Will I fall? How will I stop? These racing thoughts likely infiltrated your mind until you realized that all was well, and you were cycling along just fine. Ready is not a feeling, ready is a decision.

2. Find a therapist who offers a free consultation.

Deciding to start therapy can feel overwhelming, so it is important to find a therapist that you really connect with and feel safe speaking openly to. A free consultation allows you to build a foundation of trust. It provides the opportunity to ask questions about fees, services and wait times. It also allows you to gain insight into that therapist’s approach, personality, and whether or not you feel comfortable chatting with them. Finding a therapist is like finding your favourite coffee shop - you need to try a few places before finding your spot!

3. Find a therapist who offers the type of support you are looking for.

Finding your right fit is important to ensure you get out of therapy what you are looking for. You may be looking for a therapist who offers tools! Or maybe you’re looking for a therapist who creates space for you to unpack feelings. Before committing to a therapist, use free consultations to gather information about the type of support that therapist provides best.

4. Determine if you are ready to begin therapy.

Are you someone that has told yourself that the struggles you are facing are not “bad enough” to seek therapeutic support? Or maybe you are the type of person that has continuously told yourself that you are not ready to book in with a therapist. Starting therapy can be intimidating, so determining your readiness is important.

You may feel ready to begin therapy if:

  • You want to feel better.

  • You are trying to solve a problem or situation in your life.

  • You want someone to hold you accountable to your mental wellness goals.

  • You are looking for step-by-step guidance.

  • You are seeking a space and person to speak freely and openly to about what you are going through.

There are just a few tips to help you begin your therapy journey, and we hope you found them helpful. Ultimately, contemplating, researching, and thinking about booking your first session is a HUGE step! We look forward to meeting you in your free consultation.

Melice is an experienced mental health professional offering in-person psychotherapy in Leslieville, Toronto. Her warm personality, cozy space, and comforting nature allows her to guide individuals towards mental wellness and contentment. Melice helps both men and women navigate challenges in their relationships and careers. She helps individuals overcome stressful situations and life struggles and overall, works towards improving your mental wellbeing.

“Welcome! I am Melice, the newest member to the MOVE community. I am a clinical social worker, therapist, group facilitator and amateur baker. I have worked in Mental Health & Wellness supporting adolescents, individuals and families for most of my career. I enjoy supporting individuals achieve wellbeing and I know the work I do makes a difference in their lives.”

- Melice Mitchell, CYW, RSW, MSW


Strength Training for Women 65+

Strength Training for Women 65+

 By Bethany Spiers, B. Kin, R. Kin & Clinic Director

Edited by Rebecca Rebello, B. Kin & R. Kin Candidate

The Importance of Strength Training for Women 65+

Are you a woman in Leslieville aged 65 and above? If so, you’re in luck because I have some exciting news for you - strength training is your new best friend! As we age our bodies undergo various changes that can impact our health and overall quality of life. For women aged 65 and above, maintaining physical health is essential, and more of the best ways to achieve this is through strength training.

In this post, we discuss the importance of strength training for women 65+.

1. Increases bone mineral density.

One of the most significant benefits of strength training for women 65+ is its impact on bone mineral density. As women age, their bones become more brittle and prone to fractures, which can lead to significant health complications. Strength training can help slow down this process by stimulating bone growth and increasing bone density, which can reduce the risk of fractures and osteoporosis.

2. Independence.

Strength training can also help women maintain their independence and perform everyday tasks with ease. As we age, we tend to lose muscle mass, which can lead to weakness and difficulty performing tasks such as carrying groceries, climbing stairs, or even getting out of a chair. Strength training can help preserve and even increase muscle mass, making it easier for women to maintain their independence and carry out activities of daily living without assistance.

3. Improved biomarkers.

Strength training can also improve biomarkers such as blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose levels and insulin sensitivity. High blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels are all common health issues that can lead to heart disease, stroke and other serious health complications. Strength training has been shown in the literature to improve these biomarkers, increasing longevity and quality of life.

4. Improved cognitive function and memory.

In addition to physical health benefits, strength training can also have a positive impact on cognitive function. Research has shown that strength training can help improve moment, cognitive flexibility and overall brain function. This is important for women 65+ as they may be at risk for age-related cognitive decline and conditions such as dementia.

5. Prevention of various illnesses.

Finally, strength training can help prevent or manage various health conditions that are more common in older adults. For example, strength training can help improve insulin sensitivity, which can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. It can also help manage symptoms of arthritis and improve joint flexibility and mobility.

In conclusion, strength training is an essential component of maintaining physical and mental health for women aged 65 and above. It can help prevent age-related conditions, preserve independence, and improve overall quality of life. If you are a woman 65+ in Leslieville looking to improve your health, consider working with our qualified Personal Trainers. With the guidance of a trainer, you can achieve your fitness goals and enjoy the benefits of strength training for years to come!

Meet Becca! Becca earned an impressive Bachelors of Kinesiology degree from University of Toronto and is currently a Registered Kinesiologist Candidate. Becca’s education and professional experience allows her to help women of all ages maintain physical wellness in a manner that is safe and effective.

Becca is especially passionate about helping women 65+ maintain their bone mineral density, independence, and engage in exercise that is specifically catered to their needs.

Becca combines her knowledge, current literature and professional experience to create a 5-star personal training experience for all of her clients.

Are you looking for a qualified professional to help you change your life? Sign up for Personal Training Today!

Pricing Breakdown:

Single Session Drop In - $121 + TAX

GETPERSONAL INTRO EXPERIENCE - 3 sessions to be used over 2 weeks - $313.50 + TAX

8 Sessions Per Month - $720.00 ($90/session) + TAX

12 Sessions Per Month - $1020.00 ($85/session) + TAX


Acupuncture for sports injury and musculoskeletal pain

a natural and effective solution

Acupuncture for sports injury and musculoskeletal pain

a natural and effective solution

 By Bethany Spiers, B. Kin, R. Kin & Clinic Director

Acupuncture for Sports Injury and Musculoskeletal Pain: A Natural and Effective Solution

“If it weren’t for receiving acupuncture, my hamstring would still be bothering me and I would not be able to play rugby right now.” - Bethany Spiers, R. Kin and Clinical Director

When I tore my hamstring in 2018, I had no idea that the pain would find it’s way back into my life many years later. In the summer of 2022, I re-tore my left hamstring and this time, the recovery wasn’t as smooth. As a Kinesiologist, I work directly with people on rehabilitating injuries just like this, but I could not heal my hamstring!

I tried everything. I tried 2 different physiotherapists, 1 chiropractor and 2 massage therapists. My hamstring was not getting better. It wasn’t until I tried acupuncture that my hamstring began to improve.

Now, I am back to doing the things that I love! Playing rugby, running 10kms, cycling all over the city and being active everyday - all pain free.

A combination of acupuncture and electro-acupuncture provided the pain relief, healing and increases in mobility that I needed. I am so grateful to move and jump and run and live without pain once again.

Today, it is important for me to share the amazing benefits of this treatment and how it significantly improved my life. Enjoy reading about acupuncture!

Are you an athlete suffering from a sports injury or someone struggling with chronic musculoskeletal pain? Have you tried conventional treatments like medication or physical therapy, but found little relief? If so, you may want to consider acupuncture, an ancient healing practice that has been used for thousands of years to treat a wide range of conditions, including pain and injury.

Acupuncture has been shown to be particularly effective for sports injuries and musculoskeletal pain. By stimulating the body's natural healing processes, acupuncture can reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and promote tissue repair. This makes it an ideal treatment for conditions like tendonitis, sprains, strains, and other injuries that affect the musculoskeletal system.

In addition to its physical benefits, acupuncture can also help to reduce stress and anxiety, which can contribute to pain and inflammation. By promoting relaxation and reducing stress, acupuncture can help to improve overall well-being and support the body's natural healing processes.

If you're considering acupuncture for sports injury or musculoskeletal pain, it's important to work with a qualified and experienced practitioner. Our Chiropractor has extensive training and experience in acupuncture and can provide personalized treatment tailored to your individual needs.

During your initial consultation, our Chiropractor will evaluate your condition and develop a treatment plan that addresses your specific symptoms and concerns. Depending on your needs, your treatment may include a combination of acupuncture, herbal remedies, and other natural therapies.

Many patients find acupuncture to be a relaxing and enjoyable experience. The needles used in acupuncture are very thin and are inserted into the skin at a shallow depth, so the treatment is generally painless. Some patients may experience mild discomfort or a sensation of warmth or tingling, but this is usually temporary and resolves quickly.

If you're ready to try acupuncture for sports injury or musculoskeletal pain, we encourage you to book an appointment with our Chiropractor today. With our extensive training and experience in acupuncture and other natural therapies, we can help you achieve optimal health and wellness naturally and effectively.

Pricing Breakdown:

60 Minute Chiropractic Initial Assessment - $135.00

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10 Reasons Everyone Needs a Naturopath

10 Reasons Everyone Needs a Naturopath

 By Bethany Spiers, B. Kin, R. Kin & Clinic Director

Edited by Dr. Jardine, Naturopathic Doctor.

10 Reasons Everyone Needs a Naturopathic Doctor

Have you ever considered working with a naturopathic doctor, but are unsure of whether or not it’s right for you? Naturopathic doctors provide a unique approach to healthcare that aims to treat the root cause of an ailment, rather than just the symptoms. Here are 10 reasons why everyone should have a naturopathic doctor on their healthcare team:

1. Naturopathic doctors take a holistic approach to health.

Rather than just treating a specific condition or symptoms, naturopathic doctors aim to treat the whole person. They take into account your physical, mental, and emotional health, as well as your lifestyle and environment. This helps them create a personalized treatment plan.

2. Naturopathic doctors focus on prevention.

Prevention is key when it comes to maintaining good health. Naturopathic doctors work with patients to identify potential health risks and develop strategies to prevent future illnesses.

3. They approach health using natural remedies.

Naturopaths use a variety of natural remedies such as herbs, supplements, and dietary changes to help patients achieve optimal health. These natural remedies can help compliment care that you are already receiving, while also changing your lifestyle to improve your wellbeing.

4. Naturopathic doctors provide personalized care.

No two patients are alike, and neither are their healthcare needs. Naturopaths provide personalized care to ensure that each patient’s unique needs are met.

5. They treat a wide range of conditions.

From allergies, fertility, chronic pain to sports injury - naturopaths are trained to treat a wide range of conditions using various modalities. This can include acupuncture, cupping, neuro-stim acupuncture, supplements and more.

6. Collaboration is key, naturopaths will work in partnership with other healthcare providers.

In order to ensure a well-rounded approach to your care, naturopaths will collaborate with other health care providers to ensure you receive the best possible care. At MOVE recovery boutique, our Naturopath collaborates with our RMT, R. Kin, Nutritionist and Psychotherapist to help you achieve the wellness of your desires.

7. Root-cause medicine.

Naturopaths are trained to identify and treat the root cause of an ailment. They do this by conducting thorough initial assessments (90 minutes in length), using diagnostic laboratory testing (such as hormone profiles, blood tests, stool samples), and more to get to the root of your symptoms.

8. A good ND will empower patients to take control of their health.

Naturopathic doctors work with patients to help them understand their health and take an active role in their own healthcare. This can help develop a strong therapeutic relationship, helping you feel empowered and supported on your wellness journey.

9. Naturopathic doctors provide natural alternatives to conventional medicine.

For those who prefer natural remedies over conventional medicine, naturopathic doctors provide a viable alternative and closely monitor your health while doing so.

10. They are highly trained healthcare professionals.

Naturopathic doctors undergo extensive training to become licensed healthcare professionals, ensuring that patients receive the highest quality of care. In Ontario, this typically includes a 4 year undergraduate degree, followed by 4 years of naturopathy school including placements and clinical rotations.

In conclusion, everyone can benefit from working with a naturopathic doctor! Whether you feel like you are lacking vitality, hoping to prevent illness, or are looking for a more holistic approach to your wellness - a naturopath could be the healthcare provider for you.

Dr. Jardine is a Naturopathic Doctor located in Leslieville, Toronto. His approach to care is compassionate, evidence-based, and empowering. Dr. Jardine has a special passion for helping with fertility, chronic pain and injury, mental health, and hormones.

“Good day! My name is Dr. Jardine, a Naturopathic Doctor located in Leslieville, Toronto. I help patients address the root-cause of their concerns, using diagnostic tools, tests, examines, and thorough health histories. Together we will work collaboratively to help you achieve vitality, address your health concerns, and work towards the wellness you aspire for. I look forward to meeting you!”

- Dr. Christopher Jardine, ND

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10 Reasons Why You Should See a Chiropractor

Have you wondered how a chiropractor may be able to help you towards better health? Read the 10 reasons why you should see a chiropractor.

10 Reasons Why You Should See a Chiropractor

Have you wondered how a chiropractor may be able to help you towards better health? Read the 10 reasons why you should see a chiropractor.

 By Dr. Monica Katarzynski, DC

Edited by Bethany Spiers, R. Kin & Clinical Director

10 Reasons Why You Should See a Chiropractor

While many may be skeptical about chiropractic care, there are several compelling reasons why everyone should consider seeing a chiropractor at least once in their lifetime. Chiropractors do so much more than just spinal adjustments; they can help with knees, shoulders, TMJ, migraines, and much more. In this post we will explore the top 10 reasons everyone should see a chiropractor:

1. Pain management.

Chiropractic care is renowned for its effectiveness in managing various types of pain including back pain, neck pain, headaches, shoulder pain, ankle pain, and more! By keeping you mobile and improving your musculoskeletal function, chiropractors can provide relief from acute injuries and chronic pain without the need for medication or invasive procedures.

2. Improved posture.

It is no secret that our current lifestyles negatively impact our posture. Chiropractors can assess your posture and provide guidance on how to maintain a healthier, more natural posture.

3. Enhanced mobility.

Chronic pain, discomfort and muscle tension can reduce your ability to move throughout your life with ease, impacting your mobility and flexibility. Both chiropractic adjustments and mobilizations can often help restore proper joint function and alleviate tenion.

4. Stress reduction.

Because the spine is closely connected to the nervous system, chiropractic care can help indirectly reduce stress and promote relaxation.

5. Prevention of future concerns or issues.

Regular visits and rehabilitation can help prevent future musculoskeletal problems by addressing minor biomechanical issues before they become major concerns. Chiro provides a proactive approach to healthcare which can prevent you from experiencing severe pain and discomfort down the road.

6. Better sleep.

If you’re struggling with sleep disturbances or insomnia, chiropractic care may be able to help. By reducing pain, improving nervous system function and promoting relaxation - a chiropractor can help you toward better sleep quality.

7. Enhanced athletic performance.

Many professional athletes incorporate chiro into their training routines and recovery practices. By optimizing the way your body moves, chiropractors can help athletes improve their performance and decrease the risk of injury.

8. Prenatal and postpartum care.

There are several benefits to working with a chiropractor throughout gestation and postpartum. Pregnancy often brings about various unique physical discomforts including sciatica, pelvic girdle pain, neck pain and more. Chiropractors can help alleviate these pains and improve wellbeing.

9. An alternative approach to pain relief.

Many individuals may struggle with reliance on various medications to manage pain. Chiropractic care can provide an alternative to medication and may be appealing to those who prefer more natural approaches to healthcare and pain.

10. Holistic wellness approach.

Chiropractic care is not just about treating symptoms, it focuses on the whole personal and aims to address the root causes of health issues. Chiropractors often provide lifestyle advice including nutrition, exercise prescription and more to support your overall well-being.

Are you looking for a new approach to wellness? Chiropractic care can be a valuable addition to your healthcare routine, offering alternative solutions, rehabilitation and more. Whether you are seeking relief from chronic pain, looking to improve your posture, or get back into the sports that you love - consulting a chiropractor may be a step in the right direction.

Dr. Monica is a Chiropractic Doctor in Leslieville, Toronto. She is experienced in injury rehabilitation, back pain, sports performance, headache relief and more. She uses various modalities such as adjustments, soft tissue mobilizations, acupuncture and electro-acupuncture to address your concerns and improve your symptoms.

Let’s get you back to do doing the things that you love, pain free.

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Introducing: Meal Plans with Monica

Introducing: Meal Plans with Monica

 Elevate Your Wellness Journey with Monica's Meal Plans

In a world where our fast-paced lives often push us to prioritize convenience over well-being, it's essential to take a step back and invest in ourselves. That's where Monica's Meal Plans come into play, offering you a chance to transform not only your diet but also your overall wellness. Let's delve into what makes these plans your pathway to a healthier, more vibrant life.

Nourishment Beyond Food

Our meal plans extend beyond providing you with mere recipes. They're a comprehensive package designed to support your wellness journey. Here's what you can expect:

1. Customized for You: We recognize that wellness goals vary from person to person. Whether you're aiming for weight management, increased energy, or simply a more balanced lifestyle, our meal plans can be tailored to your unique aspirations.

2. Expert Guidance: Monica's Meal Plans aren't just about meals – they're backed by expert guidance that empowers you to make informed choices. With our plans, you'll receive insights into portion control, nutrient balance, and mindful eating practices.

3. Stress-Free Meal Prep: We understand that the chaos of daily life can hinder your efforts to eat healthily. That's why our meal plans come with grocery lists and step-by-step recipes, streamlining your meal prep process and eliminating the stress of meal planning.

4. Sustainable Habits: Our meal plans aren't a short-term fix; they're a foundation for lasting change. We're dedicated to helping you develop sustainable eating habits that contribute to your long-term wellness.

Flexible and Affordable

We believe that embarking on a wellness journey should be accessible to everyone. That's why Monica's Meal Plans offer flexible pricing options:

  • 7-Day Plan: For $150 + Tax, you can dive into a week of nourishing meals and kick-start your wellness journey.

  • 14-Day Plan: Ready for a more comprehensive transformation? Our 14-day plan, priced at $280 + Tax, gives you the chance to fully embrace healthier habits.

Ready to embark on this transformative journey? Fill out the google form below to learn more and choose the plan that resonates with your wellness goals. Remember, every step you take towards wellness is a step towards a more vibrant life.

Invest in yourself today – with Monica's Meal Plans, wellness isn't just a destination, it's a way of life. Start your journey now and experience the joy of holistic well-being.